HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN (hCG)A hormone of early pregnancy that is monitored to determine viability of the gestation. This hormone is also used as an injection to induce ovulation and maturation of the oocyte (egg) in ovarian stimulation protocols.
HUMAN MENOPAUSAL GONADOTROPIN (hMG)A purified extract of LH and FSH, the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland to stimulate the ovary. It is administered by injection to facilitate development of multiple follicles in treatment cycles.
HYPOTHALAMUSA portion of the brain that stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete LH and FSH in order to stimulate ovarian follicle development. The hypothalamus acts as the “pacemaker” for many important hormone-driven processes, controlling the production and periodic release of hormones from the pituitary gland.
HYSTEROSALPINGOGRAM (HSG)An x-ray procedure to examine whether the fallopian tubes are patent (open) or not. This test helps determine if the tubes are blocking sperm from reaching the ovulated eggs waiting inside the fallopian tubes. Special x-ray dye is gently injected through the uterus and then x-ray pictures are taken to see where the dye travels uninterrupted.
HYSTEROSCOPE/HYSTEROSCOPIC SURGERYMinimally invasive surgery in which a small telescopic camera, much like a laparoscope, is placed through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity. This allows direct visualization of the endometrium where an embryo implants. This surgical technique is minimally-invasive, well-tolerated and can be performed in a day-surgery center. It allows removal of any impediments to implantation such as polyps or fibroids in the uterine cavity.